Opposition TDs want Government to ensure back-garden cabin-style homes are not used for private rentalMinister's plan for cabin-style homes aims to increase housing options, not rentals, despite concerns from opposition about potential misuse.
'Damaged' Louis Vuitton bags and power cut-offs: Tenants and landlord ordered to pay each other thousands after disputeTenants are awarded damages after illegal eviction, despite owing money to the landlord.
Ban on brokers' fees -more City Council lunacyThe City Council's banning of broker's fees threatens to worsen the housing crisis, leading to increased rents, black market activities, and less available units.
Opinion: Measure BB is bad for Berkeley, bad for housing affordabilityBerkeley's housing crisis can't be solved by construction alone; a more diverse and supportive housing policy is needed.
LA to Consider Ban for Criminal Checks on Housing ApplicantsLandlords may be prohibited from using renters' criminal history for housing decisions.Proposed fair chance housing ordinance aims to prevent discrimination based on criminal records.
Barcelona votes to evict tourist apartment rentals from cityBarcelona plans to let 10,101 tourist rental licenses expire by 2028, addressing housing crisis and high rents driven by Airbnb and Vrbo.