These are the 20 most-studied bacteria - the majority have been ignoredArtificial intelligence struggles to synthesize information on under-researched bacteria due to the overwhelming focus on a few model organisms.
Biomedical scientists struggle to replicate their own findingsThe reproducibility crisis in biomedical research is exacerbated by pressure to publish, leading to bias and hampering scientific innovation.
Why Do Female Birds Sing?Female song in songbirds serves important roles such as territorial defense, intrapair communication, and competition, but not primarily for mate attraction.
Audio long read: So you got a null result. Will anyone publish it?The bias against publishing null results skews scientific understanding and has significant implications for fields like drug efficacy.
Why sex bias in labs means women are the losers in research into ageingThe lack of research on female mice in longevity studies leads to drugs developed mainly for males, which may not work on females or mothers.