It's Snowing Sea Cucumbers At The Bottom Of The Sea | DefectorFootage reveals unprecedented swimming behavior in sea cucumbers, shifting scientific understanding of the species.
The quest for a "communication device" that tells cells to regenerate the bodyPlanaria exhibit surprising adaptability in gene expression when exposed to novel environments, raising questions about potential applications in regenerative medicine.
Mysterious Blobs in Cells Are Changing the Way We Understand LifeBiomolecular condensates are crucial for cellular organization, challenging established views on cell biology.
A jellyfish with a superpower it can fuse with another and become oneJokura's discovery of a fused comb jelly showcases potential insights into early nervous system evolution and organism behavior.
Carbon bond that uses only one electron seen for first time: 'It will be in the textbooks'Single-electron covalent bonds in carbon provide insights into chemical bonding and potential applications in various industries.