Residents and landlords urged to give views on future of HMO licencesCamden Council seeks community input to improve HMO licensing to enhance safety standards in shared homes.
Croydon area named as one of England's most depressing places to liveNew Addington in Croydon has been ranked one of England's most depressing places to live, highlighting its economic struggles and negative perception.
Audit Finds NYCHA Lacks Oversight of Repairs, Calls for Resident Feedback SystemNYCHA's oversight of contractors for repairs is inadequate, raising concerns about fraud and resident dissatisfaction.
Roads either side of Greenwich Park will be blocked over 'motorway-like' streetsThe trial scheme blocks traffic near Greenwich Park during rush hours to improve air quality, responding to resident feedback.
Residents Irate Over Illegal Street Vending, Garbage Dumping in BensonhurstBensonhurst residents express frustration over illegal vendors and increased garbage on streets.
Two fires in two years make residents feel 'unsafe'Residents of a south-east London block no longer feel safe due to repeated fires, leading to urgent calls for relocation.
Residents Irate Over Illegal Street Vending, Garbage Dumping in BensonhurstBensonhurst residents express frustration over illegal vendors and increased garbage on streets.
Two fires in two years make residents feel 'unsafe'Residents of a south-east London block no longer feel safe due to repeated fires, leading to urgent calls for relocation.