Opacify HEX Color In CSS by Osvaldas ValutisNew CSS functions allow HEX users to manipulate color opacity without converting to RGB.
CSS nesting: use with cautionNative CSS nesting complicates CSS management, creating confusion rather than clarity, especially for junior developers.
Opacify HEX Color In CSS by Osvaldas ValutisNew CSS functions allow HEX users to manipulate color opacity without converting to RGB.
CSS nesting: use with cautionNative CSS nesting complicates CSS management, creating confusion rather than clarity, especially for junior developers.
GitHub - mr150/mlut: Atomic CSS toolkit with Sass and ergonomics for creating styles of any complexityAtomic CSS toolkit with Sass and ergonomics for creating styles of any complexity.
CSS Functions And Mixins Module Notes | CSS-TricksCSS variables and nesting reduce the need for Sass, but new CSS Functions and Mixins Module may change that in the future.