There Are Natural Limits on the Size of Human CommunitiesPrimates' large brains are adaptations to living in socially bonded groups, demanding more cognitive processing for relationship management.
How a cinema date is a really good way of getting to know someoneWatching movies together can enhance emotional connections between strangers, supporting traditional dating practices.Shared emotional experiences promote social bonding, regardless of whether those emotions are positive or negative.
Hidden Patterns in Folk Songs Reveal How Music EvolvedSinging developed unique features independently from speech, showcasing a distinct role in human society.
Playing with dogs leads to a surge in kids' love hormone, study findsChildren experience increased oxytocin levels after interacting with dogs, promoting social bonding and reducing stress.
Scientists delve into the give-and-take of chimp conversationsChimpanzees exhibit conversational patterns similar to humans, including turn-taking and gesture exchanges, shedding light on shared behavior between the species.