Storybook 8 BetaStorybook 8 focuses on improving compatibility and performanceMajor highlights include performance improvements, new mobile UI, automated visual tests, and improved test utilities
A guide to Storybook Test for interaction testing - LogRocket BlogStorybook is a popular tool for testing and maintaining modular frontend componentsStorybook Test consolidates @storybook/jest and @storybook/testing-library into a single package, improving developer experience
Storybook 8 BetaStorybook 8 focuses on improving compatibility and performanceMajor highlights include performance improvements, new mobile UI, automated visual tests, and improved test utilities
A guide to Storybook Test for interaction testing - LogRocket BlogStorybook is a popular tool for testing and maintaining modular frontend componentsStorybook Test consolidates @storybook/jest and @storybook/testing-library into a single package, improving developer experience
A cleaner approach for Storybook with React NativeStorybook for React Native can be challenging to set up and work with, but recent improvements in Storybook 6.5 have made it better.Some developers prefer to install Storybook directly within the project, while others suggest creating a separate design system package for the UI.
Exploring advanced support for Vite 5 in Storybook 8 - LogRocket BlogStorybook and Vite are popular tools for UI component development and code bundling, with improved support for each other in the latest updates.