Houseplant of the week: penwiper plantThe penwiper plant is a low-maintenance succulent with striking foliage that thrives in bright, indirect light and is easy to propagate.
20 Best Succulents for Beginners: Easy-to-Grow Varieties You'll Love - Yanko DesignIntroducing indoor succulents enhances home beauty and positivity with low maintenance needs.
Houseplant of the week: penwiper plantThe penwiper plant is a low-maintenance succulent with striking foliage that thrives in bright, indirect light and is easy to propagate.
20 Best Succulents for Beginners: Easy-to-Grow Varieties You'll Love - Yanko DesignIntroducing indoor succulents enhances home beauty and positivity with low maintenance needs.
Your houseplants could be fuelling organised crimeIllegal harvesting of wild plants, particularly succulents, is on the rise, threatening ecosystems and supporting organized crime.
British succulent society chair quits over row about taking specimens from wildA furious dispute erupted in the UK's leading succulent society over collecting plants from the wild, prompting the chair to resign.
Your houseplants could be fuelling organised crimeIllegal harvesting of wild plants, particularly succulents, is on the rise, threatening ecosystems and supporting organized crime.
British succulent society chair quits over row about taking specimens from wildA furious dispute erupted in the UK's leading succulent society over collecting plants from the wild, prompting the chair to resign.