5 Ways to Reduce Your Chances of Being Audited by the IRS This YearBeing honest about all income can help reduce audit risk.Understanding eligible tax deductions is essential to avoid misrepresentation.
Family holidays, Rolex and luxury yachts on company expenses: How the rich evade taxWealthy individuals in Spain use tax strategies to minimize or evade taxes, prompting a response from the Tax Agency to monitor and recover funds.
The rich will pay up when prodded. So let's make tax-collecting great again | Torsten BellIncreased investment in tax inspectors can significantly boost tax revenue and deter tax evasion, particularly among high-income earners.
The IRS is about to run out of key funding and Trump plans more cuts. It could add $140 billion to the national deficitThe U.S. Treasury urges Congress to release $20 billion for IRS enforcement to prevent increased deficits and reduced audits amid potential funding cuts.
How to prepare for audits over home office expensesClaiming home office expenses became more complex during the pandemic, with stricter requirements for the 2023 tax season.