In Tokyo, teamLab's giant new immersive space opens glittering portals of the imagination
teamLab Borderless in Tokyo offers an immersive, 3D digital art experience resembling an ever-changing aquarium, providing a full-body joy to visitors.
On my radar: Fran Healy's cultural highlights
Fran Healy's band Travis achieved major success with their album 'The Man Who', selling over 3.5 million copies worldwide.
Mk.gee is considered a standout artist for his distinctive sound and contrasting lyrical themes in music.
TeamLab Borderless in Tokyo offers an unforgettable and immersive art experience, redefining viewer interaction.
In Tokyo, teamLab's giant new immersive space opens glittering portals of the imagination
teamLab Borderless in Tokyo offers an immersive, 3D digital art experience resembling an ever-changing aquarium, providing a full-body joy to visitors.
On my radar: Fran Healy's cultural highlights
Fran Healy's band Travis achieved major success with their album 'The Man Who', selling over 3.5 million copies worldwide.
Mk.gee is considered a standout artist for his distinctive sound and contrasting lyrical themes in music.
TeamLab Borderless in Tokyo offers an unforgettable and immersive art experience, redefining viewer interaction.