I'm Totally Gay. I Still Love My Fake Celebrity Crush.Young LGBTQ+ individuals often navigate their identities through celebrity crushes, sometimes opting for opposite-sex figures to fit societal norms.
Hunched over my smartphone while my family slept, I knew I had to break my addiction. But how? | Will ClempnerExcessive phone use can transform from a source of connection to an addiction, leading to numbness and disconnection from reality.
All Books By 'Under the Bridge' Author Rebecca GodreyExploring the dangers of mob mentality and bullying leading to fatal consequences through a humane lens in true-crime storytelling.
"I Saw the TV Glow" Is a Profound Vision of the Trans ExperienceThe film 'I Saw the TV Glow' explores the obsessive power of media on troubled teenagers and captures the essence of screen-centered lives.