Trove of Ancient Axes Shows Early Humans Made Tools From BonesHumans developed intricate tools far earlier than previously thought, with bone tools dating back a million years earlier than established timelines.
Early humans made tools from bones 1 million years sooner than scientists thoughtEarly humans used bones for tool-making 1 million years earlier than thought.
The secret of the prehistoric clothing that helped the first settlers in North America surviveEarly humans in North America utilized animal bones for sewing tools, indicating complex subsistence practices beyond mere hunting for food.
New research reveals ancient humans used animal bone tools much earlier than thoughtEarly humans used bone tools over a million years earlier than once thought, showcasing their innovative capabilities during the Acheulean period.
Trove of Ancient Axes Shows Early Humans Made Tools From BonesHumans developed intricate tools far earlier than previously thought, with bone tools dating back a million years earlier than established timelines.
Early humans made tools from bones 1 million years sooner than scientists thoughtEarly humans used bones for tool-making 1 million years earlier than thought.
The secret of the prehistoric clothing that helped the first settlers in North America surviveEarly humans in North America utilized animal bones for sewing tools, indicating complex subsistence practices beyond mere hunting for food.
New research reveals ancient humans used animal bone tools much earlier than thoughtEarly humans used bone tools over a million years earlier than once thought, showcasing their innovative capabilities during the Acheulean period.
Systematic bone tool production at 1.5 million years ago - NatureThe use of animal resources and bone tools significantly shaped hominin evolution and culture during the Pleistocene.
Etude on PaintingKenichi Yoneda's series transforms the creation of digital painting tools into art, emphasizing slow, iterative processes over conventional rapid outputs.