Enduro Bearings Adds Mini Tool Kits for Pro Tools on a DIY BudgetEnduro Bearings expanded its Pro tool line with the versatile BRT-040 Toolkit for bottom bracket and hub bearing removal.
Curating Developer Experience: Practical Insights from Building a Platform TeamDeveloper experience is a sociotechnical issue, emphasizing collaboration, empathy, and continuous feedback for improvement beyond mere productivity.
On Scala Tooling & Stability: What Can We Learn From a Small Drama?Scala perception matters more than the actual tooling and stability.User experience with specific tools, particularly SBT and IntelliJ, greatly shapes opinions on Scala's ecosystem.
Curating Developer Experience: Practical Insights from Building a Platform TeamDeveloper experience is a sociotechnical issue, emphasizing collaboration, empathy, and continuous feedback for improvement beyond mere productivity.
On Scala Tooling & Stability: What Can We Learn From a Small Drama?Scala perception matters more than the actual tooling and stability.User experience with specific tools, particularly SBT and IntelliJ, greatly shapes opinions on Scala's ecosystem.
The DevOps Paradox: A Shift Away From Ops | HackerNoonDevOps has evolved beyond its original purpose, with the advancements in tooling and cloud engineering filling the collaboration gap between Dev and Ops.
Python Test | 216: ruff, uv, and Astral: Python tooling, much faster, with RustRuff and uv can replace multiple Python tools like Flake8, isort, Black, pip, pip-tools, and virtualenv.Astral's tools, ruff and uv, are just the beginning of the improvements Charlie Marsh and team are working on.
Strangler Things: How To De-risk Legacy Code MigrationsDe-risking legacy code migrations involves disentangling systems without customer impact and zero downtime, and prioritizing feature migration, tooling, and backwards compatibility.