Senior Frontend Engineer (Vue.js/Nuxt.js) at KongStrong candidates in Vue/Nuxt and TypeScript are sought for the Senior JavaScript engineer role at Kong, focusing on scalable UI solutions.
Senior Vue/Nuxt Frontend Engineer at KongKong is seeking a Senior JavaScript engineer to enhance UI components and user experience for web applications in India.
healing-frequenciesSimple web page for playing healing tuning forks frequencies with no external dependenciesProject Healing-Frequencies is Open Source with MIT license
healing-frequencies - use your computer as a tuning forkSimple web page to play healing tuning forks frequencies using plain HTML, CSS, and JavaScript with no external dependencies.Healing-Frequencies is an open source project on GitHub with an MIT license.
healing-frequenciesSimple web page for playing healing tuning forks frequencies with no external dependenciesProject Healing-Frequencies is Open Source with MIT license
healing-frequencies - use your computer as a tuning forkSimple web page to play healing tuning forks frequencies using plain HTML, CSS, and JavaScript with no external dependencies.Healing-Frequencies is an open source project on GitHub with an MIT license.
d3-dual-range-sliderDual-range-slider built with D3.js componentUI engineer with focus on UX and model-driven UIs