The World Is Ignoring the Other Deadly Kind of CarbonZombie fires, smoldering underground from last year, reignite in Canadian wilderness, emitting black carbon exceeding 15 megatons monthly by May 16.
Canada's "zombie" fires are a legacy of record-breaking 2023Overwintering fires, known as 'zombie' fires, are reemerging due to last year's severe fire season, providing additional ignition sources this spring.
The World Is Ignoring the Other Deadly Kind of CarbonZombie fires, smoldering underground from last year, reignite in Canadian wilderness, emitting black carbon exceeding 15 megatons monthly by May 16.
Canada's "zombie" fires are a legacy of record-breaking 2023Overwintering fires, known as 'zombie' fires, are reemerging due to last year's severe fire season, providing additional ignition sources this spring.
The World | Leaders of Armenia and Azerbaijan conduct peace talks amid mass protests in YerevanZombie fires reignited in Canada after smoldering during winter.
Why Zombie Fires In The Arctic Just Won't DieZombie fires in Arctic peatlands smolder underground during winter, reigniting in spring, potentially caused by climate change-driven spontaneous combustion.