FTA Report: Transit Ridership Is On The Rise - Busline News

The increase reflects more Americans choosing to take buses, subways, light rail, and other modes to travel to work, school, services, and weekend activities across the country and came as transit agencies better understood ridership needs following travel pattern changes during the pandemic.
Transit agencies provided 6.9 billion trips, an increase of 17.3% from 2022. Those same transit agencies moved passengers 35 billion miles, an increase of almost 17% from 2022.
Public transportation is also a jobs generator. In the past year, 10,000 new workers have entered the transit industry, and salaries have increased more than $1 billion.
The growth rate for jobs in the transit industry exceeds other occupations... the number of transit jobs grew by 4%, while growth in all occupations across the country was 2% for the same period.
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