A.I. Will Fix the World. The Catch? Robots in Your Veins.

The ultimate fulfillment of the A.I. revolution entails infusing our blood with millions of self-replicating diamondoid robots for immortality, superhuman intelligence, and the elimination of social ills.
Ray Kurzweil predicts the arrival of tiny robots into our veins in the near future, highlighting the transformative potential of A.I. for radical advancements in society.
Kurzweil's book 'The Singularity Is Nearer' outlines his past predictions on technological advancements and boldly claims that by 2029, A.I. will surpass human capabilities in all skills.
In the 2030s, Kurzweil envisions solar power, assisted by A.I.-driven 3-D printing, dominating global energy supply and consumer goods becoming mostly free due to technological advancements.
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