After graduating from art school, Chris Millar created intricate kinetic sculptures inspired by the charm of toy shops and flea markets. His latest work, "Mirthful Miscellanea," took a year and a half to assemble, channeling an imaginary curio shop run by brothers Wade and Snyder, detailed in Millar’s design. Bringing together various materials and mechanisms, including sound elements like music boxes and bells, Millar reflects on the challenges faced by unique local shops in a global, online retail environment, promoting a rich experiential culture against standardization.
"The piece follows in the footsteps of a work titled ‘Eclipse at Arc Valley’ that incorporates a clockwork mechanism, but this new sculpture further elaborates on the design with a more complex mechanism and a base that emits sound from a music box, two gongs, and six bells."
"Millar expresses a fondness for mom-and-pop shops and quirky destinations that have found it increasingly difficult to continue operating in our era of online global commerce. The inspiration for the sculpture 'is a counter to the homogeneity that our internet-based culture bestows on us,' he says."