Lisa Schiff, a former prominent art adviser, recounts her dramatic fall from grace after stealing $6.4 million from clients. Once at the pinnacle of the art world, she now resides in a modest apartment and relies on her parents for financial support. She describes how her lavish lifestyle, including chartered helicopters and extravagant shopping sprees, only masked the reality of her deceit. As she fell deeper into her web of lies, she used stolen funds to keep up appearances until everything unraveled in 2023, leading to her current situation as a felon and social outcast, devoid of friends and influence.
Ms. Schiff, 55, has lost her money, all her friends and every shred of influence. You become the lie, Ms. Schiff said.
To conceal her theft, she would do things like pay one client with another's money, or leverage their friendships to keep them believing that late payments were always almost on their way.