Animal Advisory Commission considers banning glue traps in Austin - Austin Monitor

"I would love to see glue traps banned from being sold and used in Austin," says Austin Bat Refuge's executive director, Dianne Odegard.
"There is extreme cruelty involved in this form of pest control," Odegard said. Glue traps cause animals to die from dehydration, starvation, exhaustion, panic, stress and pain.
Glue traps are often put out to catch one type of mammal or insect but have a broad range in the animals they affect, trapping insects, bats, birds, reptiles, rodents and even pets.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advise against the use of glue traps because the fright they cause animals can induce them to urinate, which spreads bacteria and disease in the area where the trap is placed.
Read at Austin Monitor