Texas Supreme Court to decide whether Austin has a charter election this year - Austin Monitor

The Supreme Court of Texas has accepted a petition for a writ of mandamus in the Save Our Springs Alliance lawsuit against the city of Austin regarding alleged violations of the Texas Open Meetings Act.
If the court agrees with the plaintiffs that the city violated the Open Meetings Act in setting a charter election for Nov. 5, the part of the election related to 13 proposed changes to Austin's charter could be halted.
Attorneys for the city did not object to the SOS motion to expedite consideration of the plaintiffs' emergency petition for the writ of mandamus. Although the city does oppose the writ of mandamus, they need an answer as soon as possible to the question of whether they will be holding a charter election in November.
Bill Aleshire, attorney for the SOS Alliance, explained in his request to the Supreme Court that the deadline for setting items on the November ballot is this Friday for Hays and Williamson counties.
Read at Austin Monitor