Citi Bike snatcher rides 38 miles around NYC, charging $80 to user's account

Fernando Peña, a model from the Bronx, admitted in an Instagram video that he improperly docked his rented Citi Bike in lower Manhattan, which made snatching the bicycle a breeze.
The person traveled in a strange loop from SoHo, around Central Park and back, zigzagging through Midtown at one point and heading back and forth near 42nd Street. The person logged 38.64 miles over the course of 367 minutes to Peña's account - for a total bill of $79.91.
Peña said the blow to his pocket left him scrounging for dinner, which that night was sourdough toast with 'Everything but the Bagel' spread from Trader Joe's.
Some scolded him for his carelessness. 'Don't leave your rented bike attended,' one said. 'Blame yourself for not locking the bike,' said another.
Read at New York Post