The speaker confronts an electric biker who frequently rides on the wrong side of the bike lane, causing frustration and danger for other cyclists. The tone is confrontational and critical, focusing on the biker's attire and the perceived recklessness of their behavior. The speaker expresses a desire for consequences, indicating that they hope for a near-miss incident that would involve law enforcement. This commentary underscores the larger issues of safety and etiquette in urban biking culture.
I see you riding your lame ass electric bike on the wrong side of the bike lane heading west on Burnside bridge around 4:50 pm all the time.
I like to ride on the side bikes are meant to be rode in and when you come at me like you soooo bad ass wearing so much black that not an inch of skin shows I think you look fucking stupid.
When you come within inches of crashing into me I hope you do. I hope you do and I get to call the cops and explain why you're a fucking idiot.