Your narrow gravel tyres are slowing you down in addition to making you uncomfortable, Cyclingnews lab test reveals

This article explores the complexities of selecting optimal gravel tyres for cycling, emphasizing that the choice depends on multiple factors like terrain, weather conditions, rider speed, and puncture risks. The Cyclingnews team conducted extensive testing at the Silverstone Sports Engineering Hub to validate the assertion that 'wider is faster.' They highlight that different courses—rocky or smooth—require distinct tyre features for maximum performance. Additionally, considerations around weather impact and riding style further complicate tyre selection, suggesting that a one-size-fits-all approach is ineffective.
A lot of factors influence the choice of gravel tyre: course type, weather conditions, your riding speed, and the likelihood of punctures all matter.
In gravel biking, the optimal tyre choice varies significantly depending on the terrain, weather, and rider dynamics, affecting performance and speed.
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