In Guayaquil, a mural depicting a racialized conflict over money became a flashpoint for racial tensions, as activists criticized it for perpetuating negative stereotypes of Black Ecuadorians. The mural, which remained largely unnoticed until its implications were highlighted, depicted a suited white man and a shirtless Black man fighting over cash. Following significant pushback from the Black community, the mural was removed in 2020, leading to the creation of new art that celebrates Afro-Ecuadorian history and culture, addressing the ongoing fight against racism and advocating for identity preservation.
For Black activists, the artwork's message left no room for doubt: it implied a robbery and reinforced racist stereotypes, smearing Ecuador's Afro-descendent minority.
That pressure ultimately led to the work's removal in 2020 and the creation of six new murals depicting Black resistance, including one honoring Afro-Ecuadorian historical figures.