That Part!' Stephen A. Smith Says Bill Maher Nailed Why Black People Can Vote For Trump While Believing He's Racist

BILL MAHER: Here's the thing. Right. So there are all these, you know, white boys are talking to me about Trump, and he's a terrible racist. And it's like, well, how could the Black people vote for him more than, each time? And, you know, they didn't vote for him a lot more, but men did.
BILL MAHER: I said, you know what? I think Black people think about Trump. Like, is he a racist? Yeah, but they think every white person is kind of a racist. Like and did they do they think that white people behind closed doors talk like Trump? Yeah, he's just a crazy person.
BILL MAHER: No. STEPHEN A. SMITH: Obviously I'm. BILL MAHER: Because they're not all alike. At all. STEPHEN A. SMITH: That's right. Exactly.
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