In the game, My Loyal Shield is an accessible treasure map that leads players to the Time's Tarnish shield. It can be bought from a merchant named Eberk near the South Warden Tower for 5,220 skeyt. By following a specific route and locating a back door, players reach a hidden chamber that contains the shield. While other distractions may appear, the challenge is straightforward, ensuring players can successfully acquire the shield without intense combat. The Time's Tarnish is particularly noted for its unique enchantments, despite a chance of not activating.
My Loyal Shield is among the easier treasure maps, leading to a worthwhile shield through a simple hidden button mechanic and minimal challenges.
Purchasing My Loyal Shield from Eberk grants players access to a treasure hunt requiring them to locate a hidden back door, ultimately revealing the Time's Tarnish shield.
Despite initial doubts due to the misleading map callout, players are directed toward the ruins where they can access the secrets and recover the item.
The Time's Tarnish shield is valuable for players, even if its enchantments have a lower activation rate, making it worth the effort to obtain.