The article emphasizes the challenges women face in expressing romantic interest openly, thus highlighting the importance of men recognizing subtle signals known as 'green lights.' These indicators include giving attention, engaging in conversation, allowing physical touch, sharing secrets, and buying gifts. By understanding these signs, men can better interpret women's feelings and take appropriate action to escalate the relationship, facilitating a clearer pathway for romance. The discussion aims to bridge the communication gap that often exists in heterosexual relationships.
Women find it easier to show you the green light once they are attracted to you than to tell you about their feelings.
A woman who is interested in you would always want to give you her attention as much as she wants you to give her yours.
If she allows you to touch her freely when you both are either talking, laughing, or playing, she might be interested in you.
A woman who always feels happy to give gifts to you wants to surprise you with something, and is likely in love with you.