What truly enchants Tully about safari is the sense of total immersion - and a disconnect from the trials of life back home. "It's the one place where you don't want to sit there and have your phone," she says. "You're not going to be texting your friends, you're so caught up in the moment." The safari even puts the infamous trope of 'iPad kid' to bed: "I can't tell you how many parents and grandparents I speak to who are sick to death of the kids being on their phones and iPads - [safaris] are something that, as a family unit, you see together, you learn together."
A safari trip is unique, it's special and it touches your soul. It's like nothing else," she says. "It's on most people's bucket list, but even if it's not on their bucket list, if they've gone, they come back and say it was one of the best trips of their life and want to go again."
I typically go twice a year, but I've been up to four times a year - I've been on so, so many safaris but, if I found out today I only had one trip left, it would be to Africa."