The Real Housewives of Orange County Premiere Recap: Shannon Storms A-Brewin'

On the night of the DUI, I drove to John's house stupidly...revved up the engine so that he could know how mad I was. And I lost control of the car. Immediately.
This is the pattern. This is what we've seen repeatedly, season after season, year after year, of Shannon having absolutely no clue what is best for her, not listening to anyone, and causing her own problems because she can't control her anger.
She has never had a good season on this show...yet she comes back... Shannon always comes back. We thank her for her service and hope she never smartens up.
This seems like it's going to be her worst season yet... I think God's plan was for Shannon to get her ass into rehab, which she clearly did not do.
Read at Vulture