The Independent highlights its commitment to on-the-ground reporting during critical developments in US politics and societal issues, including reproductive rights and climate change. It emphasizes the importance of accessible, quality journalism, free from paywalls, funded by donations. Simultaneously, Marks & Spencer's CEO criticized the government's latest tax measures in The Sunday Times, arguing they burden the retail sector excessively and call for a staggered approach to National Insurance Contributions. There's concern over the financial pressures faced by businesses amid rising wage expectations and the introduction of new packaging levies, with warnings that immediate action is needed to support growth aspirations.
The chief executive of Marks & Spencer condemned government tax policies, describing them as a raid on the retail sector that could halt growth, urging for more manageable changes.
Stuart Machin emphasized that the government's well-intentioned growth ambitions must be supported by immediate actions to prevent stifling progress in the retail industry.