California has experienced its first population growth after a historic decline linked to the pandemic, remote work, and migration challenges. The state gained 232,570 residents from mid-2023 to mid-2024, marking a 0.6% increase, despite still losing more residents to other states than it gained overall. This growth, while a positive surprise to some, raises concerns about possible future losses in political representation. Projections suggest that California could lose more House seats after the next census, especially as states like Texas and Florida continue to grow rapidly, enhancing their political influence.
"California is growing again, news that comes as a relief, vindication or vexation, depending on where you stand in regard to the Golden State."
"For the first time in its recorded history, California lost population... enough to prompt discussion of an exodus and give those eager to write the state's obituary an opportunity."
"California still lost more residents to other states than it gained and also experienced a slower rate of growth than the country as a whole."
"If projections bear out, California stands once more to lose House seats after the 2030 census, with its conservative-leaning nemeses, Florida and Texas, accruing even greater political clout."