Monkey found during California DUI stop nearly died. She's now 'bright, alert and active'

Azules is bright, alert and active, said Dr. Alex Herman, the Vice President of Veterinary Services at the Oakland Zoo, where the monkey was taken after being found inside a Rolls-Royce Ghost that had been pulled over for speeding on Highway 99. The monkey, found wearing a onesie and diaper and suffering from malnourishment and an upper respiratory infection, was confiscated along with an illegal amount of marijuana.
Her upper respiratory infection is now resolved. She is following a healthy diet recommended by her nutritionist, and her organ function is good. However, her protein and calcium levels are low, which is expected because she's been malnourished, Herman said.
Most don't live to see their first birthday due to inhumane care as pets. There is a high mortality rate even before entering the pet trade. The infants often die in transport, and their mothers (and other members of the troop) are often shot to extract the infants from trees.
Read at Sacramento Bee