"A wireless inductive option is a game changer ... When a vehicle is driving over [a charger], the vehicle can collect charge while it's moving," Bench said, comparing the technology to a mobile-phone charger. This technology can significantly enhance the charging efficiency of electric vehicles.
"The operation would save time by cutting out the need for a driver to hook up a vehicle to a charging port and would also offer flexibility for charging times," said Bench. This flexibility will help manage charging during peak grid usage.
"It's even more of an opportunity to really balance that load on the grid over the course of the day," Bench noted. By facilitating in-motion charging, this capability may alleviate stress on the electrical grid during high-demand periods.
Nearly $20 million will go to electrify the university's BruinBus fleet and install underground charging for shuttles and buses along a route that stretches for less than a mile in Westwood, highlighting a commitment to sustainable transport practices.