Their dusty ol' swap meet near Joshua Tree has closed. Residents are heartbroken

"The thing you need to know about the swap meet is sometimes you come here and maybe you don't find anything, but you have a good conversation somewhere," said Yucca Valley shop owner Kime Buzzelli. Other times, she said, "Some guy needs to pay rent and he's selling all of his turquoise jewelry. Once I got a whole bag of rare Egyptian pendants."
The swap meet closed suddenly last weekend after the family that owns the property was sued under the Americans with Disabilities Act. The complaint, filed in September in federal court in the Central District of California, alleged that the owners failed to comply with federal and state standards related to parking spaces for people with disabilities.
Darwin Boggs, the plaintiff, has paraplegia and uses a wheelchair when traveling in public, the suit said. He has filed 71 ADA lawsuits this year including against a diner, a vegan restaurant and an animal feed store in the high desert.
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