A shift in energy occurs as the moon moves into Sagittarius, prompting an open-minded exploration of truth and philosophical questions. However, a challenging aspect between Mercury and Jupiter warns against exaggerating details or fixating on trivialities that may hinder communication. Later, a meeting between the moon and Pluto provides profound insights that can clarify past experiences. Additionally, there's a reminder to enjoy the present without getting consumed by thoughts of the future, encouraging a positive outlook while staying grounded.
Today begins with an energy shift. The moon sails into optimistic Sagittarius, inspiring an open and explorative attitude toward life’s philosophical meaning.
Beware of exaggerating the details of your knowledge or fixating on unimportant details, as this could derail productive conversations.
The Sagittarius moon meets stormy Pluto, revealing insights that provide clarity based on old information and your accumulated life experience.
Think positively of what's to come, but don't waste today envisioning tomorrow; live in the moment as your day progresses.