What Is Chloroprene, the Cancer-Causing Chemical at the Center of a Federal Lawsuit?

The Trump administration is considering dropping a federal lawsuit aimed at reducing chloroprene emissions from a Louisiana petrochemical plant, a chemical linked to cancer and long-standing environmental justice concerns. Chloroprene, used in producing neoprene, poses significant health risks as it can volatilize during production, leading to high exposure levels noted in historical cases. Research indicates a disturbing correlation between chloroprene exposure and elevated cancer rates, particularly urinary cancers, among workers in neoprene manufacturing, raising alarms among health experts for decades.
The Trump administration may soon drop a federal lawsuit against a Louisiana petrochemical plant over emissions of chloroprene, a cancer-causing chemical linked to environmental justice.
Chloroprene exposure in the workplace has been connected to significant cancer risks, with studies showing alarming death rates among those exposed compared to unexposed populations.
Read at www.scientificamerican.com