Frank Lampard shared that he tested at a genius-level IQ of 150 during his playing days at Chelsea, a test prompted by a head injury to teammate John Terry. The team had to take IQ tests for concussion safety. Lampard expressed pride in his score, especially since it was higher than his wife Christine’s, but he admitted that others often show more interest in the IQ discussion than he does. He acknowledged the problematic history of IQ testing and its contested validity.
I was tested at Chelsea in the aftermath of John Terry getting kicked in the head in the Carabao Cup final. Our doctor, who was Brian English at the time, made us do IQ tests to get us all a base-level IQ... I just breezed it.
I am quite proud of it. My score of 150 just beat my wife, Christine, which was the best thing about it. She was just below me.
Other people seem more interested in it than me. I don't know the exact numbers but we were around the same. But I think she's smarter than least it feels that way.
It behoves us to say that IQ testing has a deeply problematic history and that the validity of the concept - and the way it is measured - has been repeatedly called into question over the decades.