Cocktail recipes can be perplexing due to the role of individual ingredients, making styles like sours and Collins particularly interesting. Both are classic cocktail categories that utilize citrus and various spirits. Sours evolved from British Navy grog, highlighting a historical connection to early cocktail creation. While there are many variations in flavor and ingredient choice, the key differentiator rests in the presence of carbonation, dictating if a drink falls into the sour or Collins category.
Sours and Collins are both cocktail categories sharing common elements, primarily citrus juice and liquor, while differentiating mainly by the absence or presence of bubbles.
The real crossover element between sours and Collins cocktails is citrus, particularly lemon juice, which contributes to their refreshing flavors across various spirits.
Both cocktail types can employ an array of spirits, not limited to whiskey for sours and gin for Collins, showcasing their versatility in drink creation.
Sours can trace their origins back to British Navy grog, where sailors combined rum and lime juice to combat scurvy, leading to what we know today as cocktails.