The martini transcends being just a cocktail; it symbolizes power and worldliness in American culture. Its significance has solidified through Hollywood and social rituals, with a focus on the experience and setting. While many enjoy variations, a traditional martini—especially in cities like New York and Los Angeles—embodies a connection between customer and bartender, emphasizing the importance of ambiance. The article highlights 13 venues renowned for crafting the perfect martini, where the atmosphere enhances the drinking experience.
The martini is a badge of power and world-weariness, in real life and fiction, the stuff of American life.
When the thirst for a proper martini arises, the setting matters.
The finest places for martini drinking tend to center vibes, the seats of glamour that come in many guises.
Sipping the clear, searing elixir from a frosty glass feels somehow predetermined.