There's A Reason Tropical Drinks Are Served Over Crushed Ice - Tasting Table

Ice plays a crucial role in cocktails, not just for chilling but also for dilution. The pace at which ice melts varies by its shape, affecting the drink's balance. For spirit-forward cocktails like the Old Fashioned, larger ice cubes melt slowly, allowing for a prolonged drinking experience without over-diluting. In contrast, tiki drinks utilize crushed ice for quick dilution, accommodating their sweet flavors. The choice of ice impacts both the taste and enjoyment of cocktails, highlighting the scientific principles at play in mixology.
In an Old Fashioned, a single large ice cube keeps the punchy, spirit-forward bev cold while accounting for the slow-sipping pace inherent to the Old-Fashioned-drinking experience.
Increased surface area means increased exposure to the warm air and faster dilution. Crushed ice melts faster than a single large ice cube.
Smaller ice means more dilution - which sweet, strong tiki drinks need.
Frozen pina coladas and frozen margaritas are summer faves for a reason, helping to take the smoky edge off harsher spirits.
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