Steak tips are a popular protein choice, known for their rich flavor and tender bites. Primarily sourced from the less desirable cuts of beef like flap steak and tri-tip, these cuts provide a more affordable alternative to premium beef. Both cuts are known for their strong flavor and tender texture when cooked properly. They are suited for quick, high-heat cooking methods, which enhance their taste. While tri-tip is favored on the West Coast, flap steak holds popularity, especially in New England, making these cuts an economical choice for delicious meals.
Both cuts are flavorful, tender when cooked properly, and more affordable than premium cuts. Their balance of marbling and texture makes them ideal for quick, high-heat cooking.
Flap steak is obtained from the nearby lower flank. That cut is preferred on the east coast, especially in New England, where steak tips are considered a regional specialty.
Tri-tip and flap steak are both leaner than higher-end cuts. While that may make them unsuitable for other sorts of steak presentations, the very nature of making steak tips solves any problems those bottom-sirloin cuts present.
Bite-sized and snackable, steak tips are beloved for their rich beefy flavor and tender mouthfeel. They're the perfect choice for when you're craving a protein-packed meal.