How can artists effectively respond to the climate crisis? Introducing a new toolkit from Gallery Climate Coalition

Artists have long been among the most effective responders to the climate and environmental crisis, using their creativity and vision to get the rest of the art world-and the world in general-to take notice and follow suit.
Impressive and numerous as they are, however, these actions nonetheless tend to take place in isolation, with artists gathering the necessary information and knowhow under their own steam and as best they can. Thankfully, now help is at hand.
A new open access resource- is the GCC Artist Toolkit-has been developed specifically to support, empower and inform artists of all inclinations who, in whatever way they choose, wish to address the climate and ecological crisis.
Launched this summer and emerging out of more than two years of research, as well as consultation with both artists and environmental specialists, it brings together practical ideas, strategies and recourses that artists can use to inform and shape their own responses both within and beyond their own particular practice.
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