I must stay because disappointing my family, especially my parents, is too scary. In my community, divorce is not that common. It's still a taboo and something people do not wish to speak about. It does not connote freedom, liberty, or empowerment. In fact, people see it as a failure or something unfortunate. My parents paid for my entire wedding, which is how things are done in my community. They spent quite a lot. To make matters worse, everyone in my extended family loves my wife. Divorce will make me the weak link.
I've been married 18 years, and I experienced way more happiness before marriage than I have after. Even though I did not grow up with well-to-do parents, I did not experience the nagging, blaming, insulting, and put-downs I get from my overachieving, dynamic wife. In my mind, I often replay the wonderful times when I was single and spent time playing with my adorable baby nephews.