Breastfeeding has been a job, but my favorite one. My son was born with lip and tongue ties that we didn't have released until he was 5 months old. So, that meant, for five months, I was breastfeeding and pumping to make sure he got enough milk, and my poor nipples were TORE UP FROM THE FLOOR UP! They were cracked, dry, and stung. My son is 14 months now - I'm still breastfeeding, and I LOVE IT! I literally feel my energy change when he gets on the boob, and I instantly get happier. I plan to have at least three more kids; God willing, I'll breastfeed all of them, too.
I planned on breastfeeding our baby for a few months. It turned into 14 months, and I honestly don't know how. I always stressed about how much I was producing, which caused my production to go down, and then I would continue to stress even more. I would dread having to see my failure in a bottle. It didn't help that my baby was just naturally small, so my mom would be like, 'Give her some cereal with that milk; it's not enough!' I would hear this all the time even when I was overproducing - 'Put some formula in the bottle with the milk, and it will bulk her out,' and 'Are you sure you are producing enough?'
The choice to breastfeed is YOURS and only yours. No one should ever be made to feel bad because they wouldn't or couldn't breastfeed.