Facebook has announced that it will remove live videos from its platform after 30 days, a change from the previous indefinite storage policy. Users will receive notifications regarding the deletion of videos older than 30 days, with options to download, transfer, or convert these videos. If users need extra time, they can defer deletion for an additional six months. This shift aims to align Facebook's storage practices with industry standards and enhance the user experience, although further details on the reasoning were scarce.
Facebook announced that live videos will now be stored for only 30 days, highlighting a shift towards industry standard storage policies for user content.
Users with videos older than 30 days will receive notification and options to download, transfer, or convert them before deletion.
In adapting its storage policies, Facebook emphasizes the importance of providing updated live video experiences, but offer little explanation for this decision.
The change aligns Facebook's practices with industry standards, as seen with competitors like Twitch and YouTube that have varying deletion timelines.