How Going to Commercial During the Super Bowl Works

Commercial breaks in N.F.L. games frustrate fans, disrupting already frequent stoppages and causing delays in play. However, these breaks are crucial for the financial health of the league, as they generate billions in advertisement revenue which supports player salaries and other costs. With an average of 18 commercial breaks per game, the timing is adjusted in real-time by league executives and producers, who aim to maximize value by integrating breaks with natural pauses in the action, making the process nuanced and complex.
Yet commercials are the lifeblood of the N.F.L. Without them, broadcasters could not afford to pay the league billions of dollars for rights fees, money that goes to players' salaries.
Finding commercial breaks is more art than science because every game unfolds differently, with long drives, three-and-outs, injury timeouts and coaches' challenges.
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