Older Adults Are Sharing The Unique Experiences From The Past That Have Younger Folks So Confused

Older adults from the BuzzFeed Community reminisce about everyday experiences that younger generations would find obsolete or perplexing. These memories include strict dress codes for air travel, the use of grocery stamps for rewards, and smoking on planes and in hospitals. These anecdotes not only evoke nostalgia but also serve to demonstrate progressive changes in societal norms, illustrating how far comfort and regulations in public spaces have evolved over time. The reflection encourages a dialogue between generations about changing customs and the evolution of daily life.
"Grocery stores used to hand out stamps with grocery purchases. Our moms would have us lick the stamps and put them in a little booklet." -Sue, 70, Illinois
"People used to smoke on airplanes; there were ashtrays in the armrests. They smoked in hospital rooms and on trains, too." -Patrick, 65, Illinois
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