In September of 1995, I was diagnosed with chronic ulcerative colitis, an autoimmune disorder with no known cure. The disease attacks your colon and can produce painful, dysentery-like symptoms, which emerged right away. By October I was in crisis, losing over 40 pounds, unable to eat solid food; every medical treatment was failing, and I was hospitalized. We started to consider surgery to remove my colon. I was miserable and frightened about major surgery in my weakened state.
As the surgery date approached, I got a call from a dear friend, Ruth Okediji. Ruth was the leader of my law school Christian fellowship, and she told me, 'It's over. The Lord has healed you.' My initial reaction was frustration; I wanted encouragement, not false hope. As a Christian, I believe God works miracles, but I didn't consider that He would work a miracle on me.
Ruth's prayer for my healing was different from my own. My prayers were conventional, focused on asking God for wisdom for the doctors and courage for me. But Ruth’s prayer asked God directly for healing, affirming that He had granted her request. This prayer shifted my perspective completely.