Letters: Supporting Trump doesn't make us bad or stupid. We just see the world differently than you.

The article contains a series of letters to the editor expressing varying perspectives on current socio-political issues. One writer argues for acceptance of Donald Trump's presidency, emphasizing that disagreement does not equate to stupidity. Another criticizes the glorification of wealthy donors who benefit from society while only donating back a fraction. Additionally, there is a concern regarding public health, referencing historical vaccine-preventable diseases and their resurgence due to inadequate foreign aid and health measures, highlighting the importance of maintaining healthcare funding to prevent similar crises.
With one hand most of those companies, foundations and rich people have generated supernormal profits by plundering society, and with the other they dole out a few crumbs to good causes.
President Trump won a second chance to make his mark on American history. If it turns into a disaster, then the Democrats will be able to win next time.
Read at www.mercurynews.com